Edukacija stranog jezika FRANCUSKI POŠTOVANI PRIVATNI IZNAJMLJIVAČI OBITELJSKOG SMJEŠTAJA OPATIJE. Počeo je tečaj stranog jezika 11.03.2025.godine. Još se možete priključiti 27.03.2025.godine na fakultet Ika kod profesorice Alenke. ...
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Opatija Croatia

The very attractive geographic position, enabling its warm seas to be quickly reached from many cities in Central Europe (only about 500 km from Milan, Vienna and Münich), lush green scenery and a pleasant climate (45° 20’ north latitude) were some of the main reasons for its beginning and the quick development of its tourism at the end of the 19th century.

Built mainly at the turn of the 20th century, Opatija has remained in complete harmony with Nature right up until the present day. Well-maintained public gardens, the illuminated 12-km-long coastal promenade known as the "Lungomare", well-kept beaches and fountains provide a stunning backdrop for the villas and hotels that cater comfortably for up to 6,000 guests.

Due to a relatively constant temperature (winter average 7.0 °C, summer average 21.9 °C), high air pressure and constant circulation of air, the climate in Opatija is relaxing and refreshing. The contrasts of sea and mountains, green parks and blue ocean, old buildings and modern comforts, noisy entertainment venues and quiet destinations for excursions all combine to make Opatija and its surroundings a very attractive tourist resort at any time of the year.

The tourist offering of Opatija includes its congress centre (with space for 500 to 800 delegates), 11 indoor swimming pools, wellness programmes, a casino, discotheques, a summer theatre with seating for 2,000, carnivals, festivals, and opportunities for shorter trips to nearby surroundings or all-day excursions to the Plitvice Lakes or Risnjak National Park, or even to Venice in Italy.